Years ago I learned that the least selfish thing you can do for others is to improve your Self. Why?
Because?A better you is more valuable to everyone around you.?
Not everyone would agree?why not?
- Genuine self-improvement is hard work that takes a lot of time and energy
- Working on your Self can sometimes be perceived as taking time away from others
- Some people do become so obsessive they forget about other people
- Some people are simply jealous of people who are growing and developing
- Others may not know how to nourish their own growth and find it difficult to be around someone who does.
As long as you combine personal development with sharing- no problem! That is, as you grow and improve be sure to share that new and improved you with others. Also be sure to support others in their growth and development just as they support you.
I?ll be cold and to the point:?
If you are in a relationship or friendship with someone who does not encourage and support your personal development, you?re in the wrong relationship or you?ve got the wrong friend. That doesn?t mean there?s anything necessarily wrong with the other person; you just might not be a good match. If you truly want to grow and expand yourself in life, choose the company you keep carefully?
?as well as the company you work for. You spend a great deal of your life at work. If you?re not growing and developing in your job you might want to choose a different path; unless you?re using your current job to provide a means of support as you explore other means of personal growth.
As I said, personal development can be selfish work. You?ve got to make sure you have time to yourself to learn, practice, develop new skills and explore new adventures. Here are the 5 Steps I promised you:
#1: Take a selfish inventory of your authentic needs and desires. Where are you now and where do you want to be?
#2: Schedule selfish time. This means schedule time free from interruptions. This way you can be fully focused on yourself at those times. Believe it or not, this will also leave you with more time to fully engage with others.
#3: Selfishly fit other people into your plans. How do the other people in your life fit into your plans, dreams and schemes? Find people who are supportive and encouraging and don?t be afraid to solicit help and support.
#4: Selfishly support others. Dedicate time and energy to support the people who support you. When you?re both (or all) growing individually, you?re creating a powerful partnership or team.
#5: Be selfishly relentless. Perseverance is key to personal development. Continually analyze your progress. Determine where you need to improve more. Decide where your time is best focused and go for it. Decide that nothing will stop you in your pursuit of personal excellence?
?it is that excellence that you will eventually share with the world.?
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