Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Indians Closer Chris Perez Was A Hot Twitter Topic Last Night

Chris Perez Blows saveBy now most people know Indians Closer Chris Perez didn?t have his best outing in Detroit yesterday. Perez came into the Indians game when the Tribe had a 3 run lead over the Tigers in the tenth inning. Perez needed to earn his 30th save to get the Indians off of a 8 game losing streak. It didn?t happen the way Tribe fans would have liked. Perez gave up 5 runs to the Tigers in the tenth that included a two run blast by one of the best hitters in clutch situations in all of baseball. Miguel Cabrera hit the 2 run blast giving the Tigers the win 10-2 and causing the Indians to set a record no one wanted to see.

The Indians lost their ninth in a row, setting a franchise record by losing all nine games of their road trip which never happened in the history of the Cleveland Indians. Chris Perez tweeted ?there are no words in the dictionary that could describe how bad I sucked today?. Hey Chris take it easy on yourself, you have done a great job for the Indians this season and you haven?t been used in a save effort for the past 8 games. The rust may have set in. Fans are relentless, twitter was exploding all night long with Perez insults.

It was Perez?s fault the Indians lost all nine games of this road trip. One thing about baseball, it is a long season and no one is going to win them all, including Chris Perez. So cut the guy a little slack people. He has been good for the Indians all season long.

Hey be sure to tell us what you think about the Indians losing streak, just leave your comments below?.

Source: http://clevelandsports360.com/wordpress/indians-closer-chris-perez-was-a-hot-twitter-topic-last-night/

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